The DAOstitution

The DAOstitution

Article I - Declaration of Goals and Purpose

The Breeder Decentralized Autonomous Organization (“BreederDAO” or the “DAO”), seeks to be a pillar of the blockchain gaming ecosystem and other virtual worlds, by providing quality assets to the next billions of users and participants in the Metaverse.

In this regard, BreederDAO shall endeavor to become the asset factory of the Metaverse by producing high quality digital assets that deliver best value to users and participants in the blockchain world through proprietary asset generation tools supported by the DAO’s technical expertise, comprehensive data-driven analytics and modeling.

In breeding life into the Metaverse, BreederDAO shall prioritize collective, long-term goals and strategies over those that are individualistic and short-term in nature.

Article II - Definition of Key Terms

Section 1. Definitions. As used in the DAOstitution, and unless the context indicates otherwise, the terms enumerated below shall have the following definitions:

  1. BREED shall refer to the governance token of BreederDAO.
  2. sBREED shall refer to one of the derivative tokens of BREED presently used to participate and vote in the Governance Proposal System.
  3. Community shall refer to the collective membership of the DAO.
  4. Core Team shall refer to the group of people behind the creation, establishment and development of BreederDAO which shall include its founders and key independent contractors and advisors engaged by the DAO legal entity.
  5. DAOstitution shall refer to the BreederDAO Constitution.
  6. DAO Court shall refer to the dispute resolution body and judicial organ of the DAO who shall, among others, be responsible for moderating the forums and deciding inter-DAO controversies, issues and cases.
  7. DAO Court Elections shall refer to the voting and selection mechanism that allows a member to become a candidate and, upon garnering a sufficient number of votes, to officially participate as court member of the DAO Court.
  8. DAO Forums shall refer to the official site for DAO-related discussions of the DAO at
  9. Proponent shall refer to one who either: (a) controls such amount of sBREED, either through staking or delegation, that will put him/her within the top one hundred (100) list of persons in terms of sBREED voting power, provided that, sBREED that has been delegated away will not be included in the computation of that particular person’s voting power; or (b) is a member of the Core Team.
  10. Governance Proposal System shall refer to the mechanism by which the community proposes a suggested course of action or inaction that the DAO will take.
  11. Member shall refer to a person who is a lawful holder of at least one sBREED token.
  12. Outstanding token shall refer to all issued sBREED tokens that are unrestricted and eligible to vote.
  13. Proposal shall refer to a suggested course of action or inaction by a member that is formally lodged under the Governance Proposal System of the DAO.
  14. Proposal Jury shall refer to the body responsible for the screening and vetting of proposals submitted by the community to the Governance Proposal System.
  15. Proposal Jury Elections shall refer to the voting and selection mechanism that allows a member to become a candidate and, upon garnering a sufficient number of votes, to officially participate as a jury member in the Governance Proposal System.
  16. Snapshot shall refer to the voting mechanism and platform available at

Section 2. Interpretation. A reasonable interpretation shall be given to any of the key terms defined above. In case of doubt, an interpretation consistent with DAO’s goals and purpose shall be given to the term.

Article III - Immutable Fundamental Rules

Section 1. Overview. The immutable fundamental rules herein shall be the permanent and unchangeable rules of BreederDAO which may not be modified or amended by any proposals.

Section 2. Binding Force. In staking BREED or acquiring and possessing sBREED tokens, the
member agrees to be bound and abide by the terms of the DAOstitution.

Section 3. DAOstitution Amendments. As an exception to the voting requirement under the
Governance Proposal System, any change or modification in any section or provision of the
DAOstitution shall only pass upon a majority of all outstanding tokens held by members.
Whereas, addition of an immutable rule to the DAOstitution shall only pass upon a vote of two-
thirds (2/3) of all outstanding tokens held by members. No amendment of the sections, clause,
or provisions of the immutable fundamental rules and guidelines under Article III shall be

Section 4. Prohibited Proposals. The following proposals shall be prohibited

  1. Proposals that are unlawful or criminal in nature or have a reasonable tendency to be characterized as such.
  2. Proposals to exclude or permanently ban a member or group of members without undergoing the applicable disciplinary process.
  3. Proposals that are prejudicial to the DAO or which are designed to render the DAO ineffective or inutile.
  4. Proposals to amend any section, clause or provision of the immutable fundamental rules enumerated under Article III hereof.

Article IV - DAO Institutions, Other Rules and Guidelines

Section 1. Participation. A person becomes eligible to participate in the DAO by possessing at least one (1) sBREED token. This requirement shall not apply to members of the Core Team.

Section 2. Proposal Jury. 1. A Proposal Jury is hereby established which shall be responsible for the screening and vetting of proposals submitted by the community to the Governance Proposal System.

  1. Composition. The Proposal Jury shall be composed of five (5) jury members which, for its first iteration, shall be appointed by the Core Team within thirty (30) days from the effectivity of the DAOstitution. In the subsequent iterations, the composition shall be as follows: two (2) of the jury members shall be appointed by the Core Team while the remaining three (3) jury members shall be voted upon and elected by the community within thirty (30) days from the end of the term of the first and subsequent iterations of the Proposal Jury. Candidates receiving the highest number of votes vis-a-vis the vacant jury slots shall be deemed elected by the community. The Core Team shall likewise make its appointment within the said thirty-day period. Should the community fail to vote members into the Proposal Jury within the thirty-day period, the Core Team shall make the necessary appointments as regards the remaining jury slot(s).
  2. Qualification. A member must be a holder of at least five thousand (5,000) sBREED tokens in order to be eligible to participate in the Proposal Jury Elections as a candidate. To become a candidate, a member shall either nominate himself/herself in the DAO Forums, or be nominated and accept such nomination. A candidate shall be admitted as a jury member if he/she garners votes that would place him/her within the top three (3) of all the participating candidates, or on such top spot depending on the available number of vacancies. A jury member must be a holder of sBREED throughout the entire duration of his/her term. The qualification requirements on staking BREED and possessing sBREED shall not apply to a member appointed by the Core Team to the Proposal Jury.
  3. Term.A jury member shall have a term of six (6) months. No jury member shall be elected or appointed to the Proposal Jury for more than three (3) consecutive terms.
  4. Vacancies. Any vacancy in the Proposal Jury which occurs before the expiration of the six-month term, shall be filled within thirty (30) days from the occurrence of such vacancy. If the vacancy arises from a slot reserved for the community, then the vacancy shall be filled through a vote by the community. Otherwise, the vacancy shall be filled through appointment by the Core Team. The jury member voted or appointed to fill in a vacancy shall only serve for the remainder of the term of the member being replaced, as applicable.
  5. Rules of Procedure.The Proposal Jury may propose its own Rules of Procedures which shall include provisions on its operations and processes in the discharge of its function.

Section 3. DAO Court. A DAO Court shall hereby be established as the dispute resolution body and judicial organ of the DAO who shall, among others, be responsible for moderating the forums and deciding inter-DAO controversies, issues and cases.

  1. Composition. The DAO Court shall be initially composed of five (5) court members who, for its first iteration, shall be appointed by the Core Team within thirty (30) days from the effectivity of the DAOstitution. In the subsequent iterations, the composition shall be as follows: three (3) of the court members shall be appointed by the Core Team while the remaining two (2) court members shall be voted upon and elected by the community within thirty (30) days from the end of the term of the first and subsequent iterations of the DAO Court. Candidates receiving the highest number of votes vis-a-vis the vacant court seats shall be deemed elected by the community. The Core Team shall likewise make its appointment within the said thirty-day period. Should the community fail to vote members into the DAO Court within the thirty-day period, the Core Team shall make the necessary appointments as regards the remaining court seat(s). Any changes or modifications in the number of court members, length of their term, and their Rules of Procedure shall be submitted through a proposal from the community.
  2. Qualification. A member must be a holder of at least five thousand (5,000) sBREED tokens in order to be eligible to participate in the DAO Court Elections as a candidate. To become a candidate, a member shall either nominate himself/herself in the DAO Forums, or be nominated and accept such nomination. A candidate shall be admitted as a court member if he/she garners votes that would place him/her within the top three (3) of all the participating candidates, or on such top spot depending on the available number of vacancies. A court member must be a holder of sBREED throughout the entire duration of his/her term. The qualification requirements on staking BREED and possessing sBREED shall not apply to a member appointed by the Core Team to the DAO Court.
  3. Disciplinary Powers. The DAO Court, in the discharge of its functions, shall have, among others, the power to enforce its decisions by issuing warnings, authorizing the temporary or permanent ban of members or accounts in the forum, causing the removal of jury members or fellow court members for violations of the DAOstitution, and instituting such other disciplinary or regulatory measures as may be reasonable under the circumstances.
  4. Dispute Resolution. All DAO-related disputes, issues, cases and controversies shall be submitted to the DAO Court for resolution and the DAO Court shall have the judicial power to adjudicate the same. Members hereby agree to waive any recourse to arbitration or courts of law with respect to such DAO-related disputes, issues, cases and controversies. The DAO Court, however, shall have the discretion to waive its exclusive jurisdiction if it determines it to be in the best interest of the DAO.
  5. Term. A court member shall have a term of six (6) months. No court member shall be elected to the DAO Court for more than three (3) consecutive terms.
  6. Vacancies. Any vacancy in the DAO Court which occurs before the expiration of the six-month term, shall be filled within thirty (30) days from the occurrence of such vacancy. If the vacancy arises from a slot reserved for the community, then the vacancy shall be filled through a vote by the community. Otherwise, the vacancy shall be filled through appointment by the Core Team. The court member voted or appointed to fill in a vacancy shall only serve for the remainder of the term of the member being replaced, as applicable.
  7. Rules of Procedure. The DAO Court, when acting as a collective body, shall only do so through a majority vote. However, it may decide on such other alternative voting requirement or mode of action for non-collective actions by proposing its own Rules of Procedures which shall include provisions on its standards and processes on deciding cases, issues and controversies submitted to it for decision.
  8. Publication of decisions. All rulings and decisions of the DAO Court shall be provided in written form and published in the appropriate places that will ensure its visibility such as, but not limited to, a dedicated section in the DAO Forums.

Article V - Governance Proposal System

Section 1. Discussion Requirement. All proposals must be sufficiently discussed by the community.

Section 2. Proponents; Right to Submit a Proposal. A “proponent” shall refer to one who

  1. Controls such amount of sBREED, either through staking or delegation, that will put him/her within the top one hundred (100) list of persons in terms of sBREED voting power, provided that, sBREED that has been delegated away will not be included in the computation of that particular person’s voting power; or
  2. Is a member of the Core Team.
Only a proponent shall be allowed to submit a proposal under the Governance Proposal System.

Section 3. Initial Proposal. A proposal shall be deemed submitted if a thread is created in the DAO Forums by a proponent indicating it to be as the official proposal thread. The proposal thread shall, at a minimum, have the following information and content:

  1. Name or names of the proponent-members;
  2. Sufficient description of the suggested course of action or inaction;
  3. Proposed budget for proposals that require the use of funds from the treasury;
  4. Timeline of the implementation of the project; and
  5. Such other relevant and pertinent information that will aid the decision of the community as to such a proposal.

Section 4. Pre-Qualification. Once a proposal is deemed submitted, the Proposal Jury shall thereafter screen and evaluate the same for pre-qualification. The Proposal Jury shall determine (1) whether the initial proposal violates any provision, rule or guideline of the DAOstitution and (2) whether there has been enough discussion on the proposal to meet the discussion requirement under Section 1 of this Article.

  1. Violation of the DAOstitution. If, upon evaluation, the proposal is deemed to be violative of any provision, rule or guideline of the DAOstitution, the Proposal Jury shall vote to reject the said proposal.
  2. Failure to meet the discussion requirement. If, upon evaluation, the proposal is deemed by the Proposal Jury to have failed to meet the discussion requirement, the discussion period for the proposal shall be extended by fourteen (14) days (“extension period”). If after the lapse of the extension period, the proposal is still deemed to have failed to garner sufficient discussion as to satisfy the discussion requirement, the Proposal Jury may vote to reject the said proposal within three (3) days after the end of the extension period.
  3. Exclusive criteria. Except for these two criteria, the Proposal Jury shall not base any decision to allow or prevent pre-qualification of a proposal due to other factors like substantive merit or personal bias.
  4. Evaluation. The Proposal Jury shall have three (3) days to evaluate whether to pre-qualify the proposal from the time it is submitted.
  5. Approval. An initial proposal shall be deemed to be pre-qualified once it garners a majority vote of approval from the Proposal Jury.
  6. Liberality as to form. As much as possible, no proposal shall be rejected solely due to minor deviation or non-compliance with the form required under Section 3 of this Article.
  7. Publication of decisions. All rulings and decisions of the Proposal Jury in rejecting a proposal shall be provided in written form and published in the appropriate places that will ensure its visibility such as, but not limited to, a dedicated section in the DAO Forums.

Section 5. Referendum. Once pre-qualified, the proposal will be submitted to a community
vote on Snapshot through a referendum in Snapshot which shall run for a period of seven (7)
days. A proposal shall be deemed approved if it garners a majority of all the valid votes cast in
the referendum by the end of the seven-day period. One sBREED shall be equivalent to one
vote. Delegation of votes shall be allowed.

Article VI - Community Ethics and Guidelines

Section 1. Community Ethics and Values. BreederDAO as a community believes in the following principles and values:

  1. Determination. We are aware that the total of the team's elements determines its overall strength. Together, we are stronger, and the objectives of the team take precedence above individual objectives. We are aware that not everything will go according to plan. But we will always endeavor to bounce back quickly, reflect on our lessons learned, and work together to achieve our objectives.
  2. Humility. We will cultivate a learner's mindset and viewpoint. We are always receptive to new ideas and input, recognizing that there is always an opportunity to learn and grow from any circumstances.
  3. Inventiveness. We are continually asking, "What is a novel approach to this?" We are inventive in conceiving of new approaches, solutions, and improvising with the resources at hand.
  4. Inclusiveness. We will ensure that everyone has equal access to available opportunities and resources. We seek to preserve our culture and acquire the most talented individuals to work and collaborate with.
  5. Accountability. We have been tasked with the responsibility of producing and managing a large quantity of assets that could unlock potential for guilds, games, and gamers in the fast expanding Metaverse. We accept responsibility for our actions, triumphs, and failures and seek opportunity to grow from them all.

Section 2. General Conduct and Behavior. A member shall at all times be respectful and responsible while being conscious of the need to promote healthy discourse and the free flow of ideas to help achieve the DAO’s goal of a truly independent, free and autonomous community. Towards this end, a member shall be mindful that his/her conduct and behavior, both online and in real life, reflects on the DAO and shall thus seek to embody the DAO’s ethics, principles and values at all times.

Section 3. Prohibited Acts and Behavior. The following acts and behaviors shall be prohibited:

  1. Promotion of or engagement in illegal or unlawful activities
  2. Forced doxxing
  3. Abusive language
  4. Racist speech and behavior
  5. Sexist speech and behavior
  6. Flooding and spamming
  7. Non-DAO related discussions or irrelevant discourse
  8. Other similar acts detrimental to the DAO

Commission of any of the prohibited acts and behaviors enumerated in this section shall constitute a violation that shall trigger the disciplinary system which may lead to the member being temporarily or permanently banned or removed from the DAO Court and/or Proposal Jury.

Section 4. Disciplinary System. A violation of any provisions of this article on Community Ethics and Guidelines, or the DAOstitution in general, shall lead to the activation and implementation of the disciplinary system by the DAO Court.

Links to DAOstitution Discussions

Live Proposal

The live proposal can be found here.